THE LOST GOSPELS OF MARIAM AND JUDAS tells a compelling alternative version of Christianity’s origin that offers an intriguing thematic exploration of faith’s power and the danger it can present.

The script does well in its opening pages to set Yeshua and Judas apart as characters with a sense of morality and justice, as we see Judas come to Yeshua’s aid on page 2 and Yeshua to the young girl’s on page 11. We become invested in their success as a result, particularly when pitted against characters like Herod Antipas, who are shown in detestable light in scenes like the one on page 94. The script does well to balance these noble characteristics with ones that make our central characters feel human, with a moment like Yeshua’s call for his men to fight on page 77 showing that he is capable of errant judgment.

The script’s plot finds a great sense of focus by the time Yeshua departs the Temple of Isis on page 27 to fight against the Romans, taking the story in a clear direction the audience can invest in. It also finds some great setbacks and moments of bitter disappointment for our central characters, like their failed attack starting on page 70.

The script finds a sturdy, overarching three-act structure centered on Yeshua’s fight against the Romans, with his departure from the temple on page 27 working well as an act one turning point, and his failed siege by page 77 taking us into the final act as his group attempts to save themselves from the fallout.

The script’s dialogue shows a real craft for language and storytelling. The dialogue is also excellent in moments of conflict, like the aforementioned argument between Yeshua and James the Just, as the debate of blind faith versus skepticism on page 51 unfolds in compelling, organic fashion.

The script’s concept is definitely one of its strengths, as this story is one audiences will be unfamiliar with but one connected to biblical tales most will have some understanding of. The concept is incredibly unique and exciting in that it tells a story involving Christ that leaves room for agnostic, atheist, or skeptical viewers to connect with the material, as Yeshua himself is shown to be wary of throwing fate entirely into the hands of God.

THE LOST GOSPELS OF MARIAM AND JUDAS features a story with obvious potential, both commercially and artistically.